The Rebirth of Narcissus

Kristen Pizzo
5 min readSep 19, 2019

The delicate white petals of the Narcissus flower wavered in the slight breeze. It had been centuries since Narcissus had perished beside the pool of water where he had beheld his beautiful reflection. The nymphs and the spirit of Echo, the nymph who died of a broken heart caused by Narcissus himself, mourned him every day since. They had long ago forgiven the selfish way in which he had toyed with them; shunned them. His overwhelming beauty for which they had fallen blinded them to his cruelty and the grief he had caused them. And so, every day, they watered the flower that had sprung up in his memory and watched it grow ever more beautiful.

Enough time had passed since his death that Nemesis, the goddess of revenge who had punished him began to forgive him as well. She almost wished they had given him one last chance, instead of cursing him so that he would fall in love with only one being, one who would never be able to return that love. A part of her yearned to know what could have been, had Narcissus fallen for one who could love him in return. But a larger, stronger, part of her told herself she had given him what he deserved. For it was in Nemesis’ nature, to give what was due to those who deserved it. And in doing so, she showed little mercy. Still, she was curious as to how Narcissus might have changed, given that one last chance. And so she called upon Asclepius, the god of medicine. He was…



Kristen Pizzo

mental health | LGBTQ+ | culture | food | ethical shopping